Messe Deckenabhänger
Fair ceiling hanger
Fair ceiling hanger
Fair ceiling hanger
Fair ceiling hanger
Fair ceiling hanger
Fair ceiling hanger
Fair ceiling hanger
Messe Deckenabhänger
Fair ceiling hanger
Fair ceiling hanger
Fair ceiling hanger
Fair ceiling hanger
Fair ceiling hanger
Fair ceiling hanger
Fair ceiling hanger

Fair ceiling hanger

    • Visible all around 360°
    • 8 large advertising spaces
    • tread depth 44 mm
    • Digital textile printing environmentally friendly with water-based inks
    • motifs interchangeable
    • WITHOUT hangers
    • Individual formats on request

zuzüglich shippingcosts

inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand

Delivery time
    15 - 17 days
  • Visible all around 360°
  • 8 large advertising spaces: 4 prints inside - 4 prints outside
  • tread depth 44 mm
  • Digital textile printing environmentally friendly with water-based inks
  • motifs interchangeable thanks to piping system
  • Select format or request individual desired format
  • WITHOUT hangers
  • Disassembled shipping by freight forwarder
  • Shipping from size 600 x 150 x 800 cm on pallet (320x40)

Trade Fair Ceiling Hanger "Eco"

The "Eco" trade fair ceiling hanger is an important part of a modern trade fair appearance. The banners offer a brilliant long-distance effect for your advertising message and are visible 360° all around - a brilliant eye-catcher at trade fairs.

The system consists of elegant, dimensionally stable and yet lightweight 44 mm aluminum stretcher frames for textile prints. It offers 8 large advertising spaces: 4 external prints and 4 internal prints, which can be individually designed.

The textile prints are printed using an environmentally friendly printing process and are B1 certified. The textile prints are made with a piping that allows the prints to be clamped perfectly into the frame. The precisely fitting pre-assembled prints ensure a crease-free appearance and can be replaced quickly and easily. This means that the "Eco" trade fair ceiling hanger can be reused several times.

The "Eco" trade fair ceiling hangers can be ideally used as eye-catchers in your own premises after the trade fair. The reusability and easy exchange of the motifs offer you a lot of design freedom.

    Aluminiumprofil Hersteller

Modulare LED Messestände

Mobile LED Messestände Oktanorm

Mobile LED exhibition stands made of plastic


Unendlich viele Möglichkeiten – der austauschbare Textildruck für jeden Style! 

Der Textildruck zeichnet sich durch brillante Farben und eine hochauflösende Druckqualität aus, ist faltenfrei und waschbar bis 30 °C. Beim digitalen Textildruck-Sublimationsdruck werden umweltfreundliche, wasserbasierende Tinten eingesetzt - Öko Tex Standard 100.

Textildrucke einfach austauschen!
Durch das Keder-System lassen sich die Drucke einfach und werkzeugfrei entfernen und austauschen. Sie können bei uns einfach Drucke nachbestellen, um diese Ihren jeweiligen Werbekampagnen anzupassen.

  • Brillanter, hochauflösender Druck auf wasserbasierenden Farben
  • Einfach werkzeugfrei austauschen
  • Waschbar gemäß Pflegeanleitung
  • High-quality textile prints with Öko-TEX®100 certificate
  • Luftfeuchtigkeit und Temperaturen zwischen 10°bis 60°C sind möglich
  • Umweltfreundliche Herstellung und in Deutschland zertifizierte Materialien
  • Schwer entflammbar- zertifiziert

Sonderkonstruktionen für Ihren Messestand

Send request